Every treatment starts with a comprehensive & functional airway assessment

At the Center for Airway & Facial Development, we start with a comprehensive evaluation that screens for a wide variety of signs and symptoms to help identify the root causes of airway dysfunction. We use a variety of measurements to check for proper development of the jaw and harmony of the face. We also screen for breathing and oral habits which may over time result in abnormal dentofacial development.
Once the root cause is identified, we’ll put together a treatment plan designed around achieving your victory as well as any others that are uncovered during the consultation process. Our experience has shown that the only way to deliver effective, lasting patient outcomes is through a whole body, individualized approach.

Treatment options for pediatric orthodontics, facial growth and development

Pre-orthodontic intervention for children under three

Children between the ages of one and a half to three years old may qualify for minimally invasive, pre-orthodontic intervention treatment options. These are children who are at a young, yet critical age and are showing signs that suggest they need assistance to help support their structural and functional development. Some of these signs may include:

  • The presence of tethered oral tissues (tongue, lip or cheek ties)
  • Open mouth posture
  • Observed mouth breathing or snoring
  • Narrow, high-vaulted palate

The treatment options we offer for children under three are designed to be functional and accessible for children and parents to incorporate into their routines. These treatment options include functional trainers like Myobrace, Myo Munchee and Chewy Tubes to promote:

  • Jaw strength
  • Nasal breathing
  • Correct tongue resting position
  • Correct swallow
  • Keeping the lips together

Remember, functional trainers should always be used as a compliment to support an overall treatment protocol, not as a replacement in and of themselves.

What if my child needs orthodontic expansion after age three?

If we assess your child and determine that orthodontic expansion is required as part of our treatment protocol, there are several paths we can take to get to our desired goal. However, all treatment plans include structural and functional components which help support sustainable, positive outcomes.

Early intervention growth appliances to support orthodontic expansion

Every child’s orthodontic treatment plan is customized based on their age, anatomy, and likelihood of compliance to achieve our desired goals. We have a variety of functional trainers and palatal expanders, both fixed and removable, to support structural changes and create more room for the tongue to rest and the airway to thrive. Of course, it’s not just about expanding the jaws, so we also offer both bracketed and clear aligner Phase 2 orthodontic options to straighten the teeth once enough space is made for them to develop properly.

Our appliances include:

  • Munchee and Myobrace
  • Alternative Lightwire
  • Functional (ALF) Appliances
  • Removable Appliances
  • Fixed Appliances
  • Protraction
  • Damon-style brackets & braces
  • Invisalign

Myofunctional therapy complements orthodontic expansion

Myofunctional therapy is a key functional component of orthodontic expansion, which centers around helping your child achieve proper oral rest posture and nasal breathing. Myofunctional therapy sessions are fun, interactive and tailored to the needs of the child — most kids can’t wait to come in for their therapy sessions.

Click here to learn more about myofunctional therapy at the Center for Airway and Facial Development.