Lunch & Learn: Pediatric Airway-Focused CE Training

Did you know we offer lunch-and-learns or in-office training for local practices? The goal of our Lunch-and-Learn Series is to provide local dentists, medical providers, therapists, and functional medicine practitioners with the additional tools needed to treat patients with an airway-centered approach. In 2017 the ADA adopted a policy regarding a Dentist’s role in Sleep Breathing Disorders which was the inspiration behind creating our lunch-and-learn educational series. Lunch is on us while we present one hour of educational information on the importance of pediatric airway screenings during your lunch break!
Attendees will receive 1 PACE Approved CE credit at no cost to you or the attendee.

We are currently offering lunch and learns on the following topics:

  • Early Intervention in Children
  • Airway & TMD /Introduction to Sleep Breathing Disorders & Hygiene Screening
  • Myofunctional Therapy During Orthodontic Treatment Plan

Hope you can take advantage of this opportunity for you and your team! Reach out to Jen, our Lunch & Learn specialist to schedule yours today.

Jennifer Righter
Provider Liaison Manager
Pain & Sleep Therapy Center