The vision we have for your family

We believe in prevention through intervention. We are on a mission to treat children as early as possible. Our goal is to identify the root cause of problems such as crowded teeth, poor sleep, and learning difficulties. We envision a world where all children have healthy airways, well-developed faces and the foundation of health they need to thrive as adults.

How and why we treat the way we do

Patient outcomes improve when multi-disciplinary teams use a collaborative approach to care. It works with patients of all ages:
  1. Babies with tongue ties.
  2. Children with crowded teeth, improper jaw development and sleep issues.
  3. Adults suffering from chronic migraines, jaw pain and sleep related breathing disorders including OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea).
Our treatment philosophy is about helping everyone in your family achieve a healthy, thriving life and, in the process, becoming the best version of themselves.

Why we are driven to find the root cause of problems

One of our core beliefs at AFD is that a health problem cannot be fully treated until the root cause of the problem is understood. So we search through the lens of a thorough examination and use advanced diagnostic tools to find the source of our patients’ compromised health. This allows us to create personalized treatment plans that are more likely to achieve effective, long-lasting outcomes.

What lies at the heart of our mission to help children achieve optimal sleep

Children spend up to 60% of their time asleep – we need to make sure they are getting the most of it! Sleep affects children’s ability to learn, concentrate, and regulate emotions. It strengthens the immune system, promotes optimal growth, and helps prevent behavioral problems. Good sleep is crucial for children’s physical and mental development.